
Data Privacy

Description of Data Privacy and Explanation of Process

1. Supplier Privacy Statement

We take care of protection of your privacy and personal data in Scudo Pro Service. This description of data privacy explains what information is collected to data file, and how information is used, and what are the rights of data subjects to their information.

2. Controller of the Data File / Customer

Controller of the data file is a customer organisation who has made a contract on Scudo Pro service provided and maintained by Scudo Solutions Oy.

3. Processor of the Data File / Supplier

Scudo Solutions Oy (2450564-4)
Linnoitustie 4
02600 Espoo

4. Person in charge of processing the Data File

Ville-Petteri J. Mäkinen

5. Name of the Data File

ScudoPro – Personal data files (User data file and company contact person data file)

6. Purpose of the Data File

Personal data saved to data file are used for:

  • Providing ScudoPro service.
  • User identification.
  • Fixing bugs in service.
  • Accurate customer billing.

7. Contents of the Data File

Data file can include the following information:

  • Username
  • Name (First- and surname)
  • E-mail address
  • Mailing address
  • Phone number
  • Login history
  • Time of login and logout
  • IP-address

8. Regular Data Sources

Information concerning data subject is received regularly:

  • Information is received from creation or editing of username by customer.
  • User is editing her/his user information.
  • User is logging into system.
  • Company contact person data file maintained by user.

9. Cookies and Local Storage of Browser

Cookies and Local Storage of browser is used:

  • User identification.
  • To remember choices edited by user.

User can remove cookies from local storage saved by browser.

10. Regular Transfer of Data outside the EU or EEA

Scudo Solutions Oy does not disclose information from the data file to third parties or use personal data to any other use than to fulfill contractual obligations of customer.

Supplier does not transfer data outside the EU or EEA.

11. Rights of the Data Subject

Right to verify and correct
Data subject has the right to verify her/his information saved to data file. Contacts concerning the right of verification shall be made to the person in charge of data file of customer (data protection officer or main user of customer).

In case of errors in data file, data subject can request person in charge of data file to correct errors.

Data subjects can check information collected from them directly from Scudo Pro service using “Show my detail” button in Welcome -page.

Right to be Forgotten
Data subject has right to be forgotten from data file. In that case her/his information is deleted from data file. Also, user rights to system are removed. Requests shall be addressed to the person in charge of data file.

Supplier will not directly reply to inquiries or requests made by users of customers concerning inquiries or requests on rights of data subject because information of data subject is maintained by customer.

Person responsible of customer’s data file can ask help from person responsible of controlling of supplier’s data file on implementation of inquiries and requests of rights of data subject.

12. Principles of Data File Security

Personal data files are stored in electronic format.

Access rights to system which includes personal data are only given to employees of supplier who are authorised to handle user information because of their job role. Each user has personal username and password to system. Movement in workspaces is monitored by access control. Data is collected to databases which are protected by technical means, and databases locate on servers which reside in a separate physically protected space.

13. Updates of Description of Data Privacy

Scudo Solutions Oy updates this description of data privacy with new versions when needed. Latest version is published in Scudo Pro service of Scudo Solutions Oy, and data subjects should review description on a regular basis.